Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Dark History of Christmas: The Pagan Origins of our Winter Festival

This Kindle book is now available on Amazon by clicking here...and it is only $1.99

This book has 30 chapters, it is over 230 pages, which translated to actually many more pages on my Kindle reader, and you can pay securely through Amazon.

Product Details
File Size: 4539 KB
Print Length: 239 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: October 14, 2016
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled   
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 

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How this book looks on my iPhone 4

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Table of Contents

Foreword by Heinz Schmitz

Christmas and the Saturnalia By Rev. Joseph P. Thompson 1855

The Christmas Tree and other Tree Legends by Robert Sears 1852

Christmas and the Nativity of Mithras by the Rev. Robert Sinker 1904

The Origin of Christmas, article in The Chautauquan 1909

Historicity of the Christ Mass by Only Johnson 1913

The Pagan Christmas by David King 1866

Christmas and Lady-day by the Rev. Alexander Hislop 1862

The Origin of the Three Wise Men by Henry R. Evans 1917

The Babylonian Origin of Christmas by Henry Shepheard 1871

The Evolution of Santa Claus by Thomas Purcell 1907

Christmas with the Witches by T. F. Thiselton Dyer 1882

The Star of Bethlehem and Astrology by T.W. Doane 1882

The Christmas Myth, article in The Coming Day 1893

Christmas Among the Vikings, article in Chamber's Journal 1857

Christmas Superstitions by Mrs. Cora Linn 1903

Oriental Religions and the Christian Holidays by Sir James George Frazer 1890

Myths and Legends of Christmastide by Bertha F. Herrick 1901

The Origin of the Christmas Tree by Carla Wenckebach 1898

Mistletoe and Holly, article in the Western Druggist 1895

The Infancy of Christ by John E. Remsberg 1909

Solar Myths and Christian Festivals By Edward Carpenter 1921

The Egyptian Element in the Birth Stories of the Gospels by W. St. Chad Boscawen 1913

The Great Lying Church by Mangasar Mugurditch Mangasarian 1909

The Peril of the Christmas Legend by George Holley Gilbert 1912

Cross-Examining Santa Claus By Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1922

The Stable And Manger in Ancient Mythology by John M. Robertson 1900

The Encyclopedia of Occultism on Christmas, by Lewis Spence 1920

Christmas Customs and Superstitions by Elizabeth Ferguson Seat 1896

The Evolution of Christmas By William Shepard Walsh 1909

The Origin of the Christmas Tree by Dr. Kaygorodoff 1891

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